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Q. Where can I find a discreet ambient recording mic?

I recall seeing a brief article in an issue of SOS describing an ambient microphone costing around £80. The device was actually in the shape of in‑ear headphones for discretion. I have recently developed an interest in this type of product, but unfortunately cannot find the issue in which the article was printed. I would be grateful if you could state the name of the product and any other relevant companies, as I cannot find adequate information elsewhere on the Net.

Richard Knight

Assistant Editor Debbie Poyser replies: I think the mic you're after is from the Soundman OKM range. These are binaural headset mics with omindirectional electret capsules and are especially recommended for ambient location recording, though they're said to be good for studio recording too. They were mentioned in our news pages in the September 2000 issue. The range starts at just under £90 and goes up to just over £250. DACS is the contact you need, on +44 (0)191 438 5585, email douglas@dacs‑, web www.dacs‑