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Q. How can I build a Schroeder Diffuser?

By Debbie Poyser
Published June 2001

Construction of a Schroeder Diffuser.Construction of a Schroeder Diffuser.

I'm trying to find a diagram of a Schroeder Diffuser but cannot locate one anywhere. I've found references for them on your archives but no diagrams. I'm collaborating on the building of a small project studio, and would be very appreciative if you could help me out on this one.

Craig Ray

Assistant Editor Debbie Poyser replies: Schroeder Diffusers are used in studio acoustic design and are stepped panels designed to spread reflections over a hemisphere. There's more information in the 'Control Room Design' article from SOS January 1997, plus an equation (below) for calculating the depths of the panel's 'wells' (d=depth; w=well number; n=prime number on which the sequence is based; L=wavelength of lowest operating frequency), and a diagram. The article is on the SOS web site (" target="mainframe), but you won't find the diagram on the site, so we're reprinting it here for you.

Q. How can I build a Schroeder Diffuser?