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Sonnox Voca all-in-one vocal processing plug-in compression saturation

Sonnox announce Voca plug-in

Voca offers an all-in-one vocal processing solution that combines compression and saturation, and provides a simple set of controls intended to help users quickly acheive their desired sound.

Sonnox November Sale Claro Drum Gate Envolution Oxford Bundles discount

Sonnox announce November Sale

Sonnox have announced their November Sale, offering generous discounts across the majority of their plug-in range. 

Sonnox summer sale

Sonnox announce Summer sale

Sonnox have announced their summer sale, which will run from June 8th to July 13th 2022, offering up to 75% off of selected plug-ins. 


Sonnox summer sale

Plug-in gurus Sonnox have announced summer savings of 50 percent across their entire range.


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